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6th sij 2012
Social Engineering alert!

Due to heightened on-line security threats at this time, this email is to remind you to be on guard against "social engineering" - the manipulation of people so that they perform inappropriate actions or divulge information to those with malicious intentions. Please be on guard against unusual requests and demands made of you, and alert to ... Pročitaj više »

17th prosinac 2011
Wordpress 3.3 upgrade problems

There have been reported login problems in the Wordpress Admin dashboard after upgrading to 3.3. Apparently there is a compatibility issue with certain plugins - the "Popus Domination" plugin for one and a couple of others as well. If you see the error "Call to undefined function is_rtl()" in the logs then please read the links below for the ... Pročitaj više »

17th prosinac 2011
Critical Security Update - TimThumb.php

A critical security flaw was recently found in the timthumb.php image resizing script. Said script is used by many WordPress themes and plugins and if left unpatched could allow malicious code to be inserted into a site. To fix this issue, contact your theme developer for an updated version, or you can replace the timthumb.php script with ... Pročitaj više »

24th novembar 2011
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