changes on name servers

Starting Nov. 1, 2011, Nameservers and will be no longer active. With this, if you are using the aforementioned name servers, kindly immediately replace your current domain name servers to and in your domain registrar to avoid any downtime. All ... Lees verder »

20e Okt 2011
HiringVenue.Com Advertisement Discount

Want to have banner ads in Advertise your banner ads(728x90)  at for the price of $30USD for 2 months if your acquire yearly payment of standard, business or premium plan. After purchasing above plans, provide us email of intent if you wish to acquire this promo. Promo valid until 30th of August ... Lees verder »

26e juli 2011
Emergency switch replacement

Hello, The switch your server is connected to was found to have hardware problems and we are going to replace it in 2 hours from now. During the replacement you will notice 2 service interruptions for 5-10 minutes as we will move the cables of the servers to a backup switch while we replace the original switch. Once the original switch is ... Lees verder »

26e juli 2011
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